For the best possible outcome after prior to receiving our services, it is crucial to follow the detailed instructions provided on this page. These instructions must be followed carefully to achieve the desired results. We highly recommend taking the time to read and understand the instructions to ensure the best outcome.
Avoid physical activity 24 hrs prior to appt
Stay away from alcohol and caffeine 24 hrs prior to appt
Avoid tanning/ burning prior to appt
If possible, avoid Aspirin (consult physician), Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 24 hrs prior to appt
Stay off any supplements such as Prenatals, fish oil, workout shakes, etc. 48 hrs prior to appt
The use of Retin-A should be stopped at least 4 wks prior appt
Botox and Filler should be done 4wks prior to appt
For a full week avoid all cosmetic work to the brow area – this includes threading and waxing just so we can ensure we have as much natural hair to work with as possible
Although we recommend a healthy skincare routine, please avoid Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, or any other Esthetic services for 4 wks prior to appt